Welcome message

I am Jeshua. I inhabited the Earth to anchor Universal Love – the Christic energy. But my mission did not end 2000 years ago.

Christic energy is today increasingly intense and active. Through the gift of all those who seek to realize it in themselves, the Earth is ascending and pursuing her path in the harmony of the Universes.

Transformation is an individual, unique process. It requires the purification and alignment of different bodies – from the physical level to the subtle planes. Communicating with the higher aspects of oneself has immense potential.

The fate of the human species depends on the awareness of the multidimensionality of individual life, manifesting far beyond physical existence. This consciousness opens unsuspected possibilities of transformation.

A plethora of Light Beings channel the Christic energy through vibratory impulses enhancing its circulation and integration. Circuits of transmission-reception-transmission are formed between beings of different dimensions, bonded by unconditional love.

I speak to you as a brother. Today as 2000 years ago, I welcome you with open arms. 


Christic therapies

We are a bridge between Heaven and Earth. We collaborate with various channels – sisters and brothers who have opened their hearts to the Christic energy. We assist the soul in quest for liberation and union.

The therapies we suggest are not inspired by any particular belief or religion. Our purpose is to facilitate the intercommunication of the various dimensions of the individual so that the unique vibration of his or her soul may be fully revealed in the course of life on Earth.

What is commonly referred to as physical and psychic “disease” arises from the imbalances and obstructions of the energy flows that connect the human being to the Earth – to its characteristic vibration – and to the particular spiritual sphere of the soul.

Anomalies of these flows are often associated with painful or traumatic experiences, in current or past lives; the intensity with which they manifest is a sure sign of the soul’s determination in the search for a liberating solution.

The human being is immersed in the vibrations of a myriad of invisible but intensely active realities. Such realities impact, in positive or negative ways, the energetic sphere of each individual. It is possible to neutralize or potentiate those influences, depending on particular situations.

Our energy interventions coexist with all approaches to “disease” provided by the various health sciences and therapeutic practices. The individual is sovereign in the deliberation and use of the instruments that she or he deems most appropriate in different moments and circumstances of life.

By calling ourselves “Healers from Heaven” we wish to highlight our mission: to communicate Universal Love through Christic therapies.

Healers from Heaven

The channel

Having dedicated several years to teaching and research in the human sciences, I have departed one day for an inner journey into unknown horizons. My encounter with Cathy Muller’s École de Lumière, the experience of the therapies and trainings offered, helped me discover a new path.

The opening of the channel uniting, in each human being, the physical body to the spiritual worlds, made sharing inherent to the communication with higher dimensions of myself.

This experience is at the origin of my inner commitment to offer Christic therapies to whoever wishes to receive them through my channel.

Channeling the therapies

In contrast to other modes of energy healing, where therapists apply the teachings received in their training according to personal criteria, the therapies of the Healers from Heaven (HFH) are fully channeled. HFH therapists act as vehicles for the transmission of the care provided by Light Beings according to individual needs.  All problems – physical, psychic, karmic, etc. – are treated by the HFH on a vibrational plane, in harmony with the will of the soul.

Through the laying on of hands, sometimes accompanied by a message, therapies take place in an atmosphere of Love, with inner awareness, empathy and dialogue. In remote healing, by transmission of the vibrations conveyed by the HFH, there is a previous contact and a follow-up, including specific information about the intervention performed. An office consultation lasts from 1 (minimum) to 2 hours (maximum), and distance healing from 20 (minimum) to 45 minutes (maximum).

Ethical Commitment:
In full respect for individual freedom and responsibility, this therapeutic practice excludes, in all circumstances, any form of influence (advice, opinion, suggestion, or otherwise) on any ongoing or planned medical interventions (medicines, surgeries, treatments).


— Messages from —


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